Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Us Army Boot Camp Locations

A legend in his own way - A commentary by Paul Luca Bernardini Paola

Paolo Luca Bernardini, Università dell'Insubria

Maybe it's just an abstract belief, but I think this book will begin a process of renewal of Italian literature. Since the future has an ancient heart, its recognized models, and especially Arbasino Gadda, but Edoardo Sanguineti, show clearly how the cutting edge when it mixes and combines with a tradition of Italian literature "high" and "art prose" (cleverly overturned it in a pout-pourri linguistic magic), you know keep up, and how, with the present. Somehow the avant-garde literary prepare grids large enough and articulate why the discourse of postmodernity, and above all forms of discourse, its channels (internet, facebook, etc.. etc.) environment report here are well prepared to accorglierli. So, a book to read, and in some ways already a classic. In a universe iperagitato, hyperkinetic, alive, lively, full of adorable lesbian altars, flora and literary moods. A greenhouse of colored words, which clearly separates the flat horizon pret-a-porter editorial. It leads us to reconsider our whole story, that of the generation born in the early sixties of the twentieth century that seems far away, maybe dead, but as the dead of Berni, "not to be noticed," continues to fight.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mucus Stool Food Poisoning

The Visible City

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Flash Xbox Usb 2 Sata Laptop
