Friday, January 16, 2009

Setum Peircing Red Dry

Training means ...

The sports training is a practice that stress stimuli an organic reaction, mental and emotional, causing the body to self, then to a new morphological-functional adaptation of the body and mind.
E 'is essential to know the characteristics of the stimulus that causes the process to enhance sport performance in order to define a correct program allenamento.Tre proclaimed principles: 1) Each stimulus causes specific effects. 2) Only the set of stimuli, so-called fixed load, causes the body's adaptive response. 3) The recovery is a key to the entire workout. The extent and nature of the fixed load (number of repetitions, range of them, weekly, etc.). also changes by varying the recovery. The training should include progressively increasing stimuli, that results in progressive adjustments. This is done in the following order of operations: 1) Increased weekly. 2) Increase the duration of one session. 3) Increasing the amount of exercise (walking for miles, number of repetitions, serial number, etc.).. The modulation of recovery is a tool to induce or remove the physical form.

Menopause And Hemorrhoids


What is the sport most suitable for a child?

It 's a question I am frequently asked by parents.

There is a sport more suitable than another, but it is important to know at least two principles for choosing the right sport.

The principle of multilateralism: the child has the need to carry a wide variety of exercises and sports games, in all directions and lines of movement, and using exercise equipment.
The specialization to a specific sport will begin after the age of ten, while six to ten years practicing primarily the multilateral and socialization. If your child has fun in sport and its tend euphoric emotional expression is first and after sports, if its expression increases mobility and posture, so that you will see him move in everyday life with greater ease and do something they do not believe he was capable, then he is practicing a good sport.
A child in the thinking of stiff competition and performance is a symptom of a sport exasperated that ignores its needs because it aims to the exclusive interest of the environment and sports coaches, but often the parents.

The second principle is that of emulation: from birth, children are led to conform to models do and say in the tradition of the consolidated their society. What they learn, they learn primarily by the "behavior by imitation."
Throughout the lives of children, not just children, it becomes crucial the choice of the reference figures and the social environment to hang out. In this case, the focus must fall on training and sports environment that the child should attend. If qualified, not only from a technical point of view, will enrich the child's positive behavior patterns, which in time will push it towards its full unity.